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ProbeWizard is a FREE-PER-CLICK (FPC) Search Engine for new accounts. We want you to be able to see for yourself just how effective being listed on top in a popular search engine can be without any risk to you. You will not be asked for any billing information, in fact, we will deposit $100 into your account with us just for signing up!

There are many keywords available on our system with no bids as of yet, which means in many cases a bid of $0.01 will put you in the #1 spot. The $100 credit we give you could be good for 10,000 FREE visitors to your site, since your bid is only deducted when your site is visited. We know if you get a good response from listing with us, you'll be happy to continue as a Pay-Per-Click customer if you choose to.

Once you signup and become an affiliate, you also have the option to earn even more credit by placing a ProbeWizard search on your site. This allows your visitors to search the Internet directly from your website and if they click on a listing with a bid placed by one of our members, you earn credit. The search script can be designed to search only for a certain topic or it can be wide open, it's up to you.

See you on top!

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